Happy Sunday! Blustery day here in Makawao but we are loving the cooler temps after the hot summer we had. Look forward to playing our music this week and here is where you’ll find Phil & Angela Benoit:
Sunday, November 24 at PITA PARADISE in Wailea from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Tuesday, November 26 at MERRIMAN’S in Kapalua from 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Enjoy your week, have a fabulous Thanksgiving, take good care and see you soon.

Coolest Ride
P. S. As I’ve mentioned before we had a great Mini Fall Tour this year. We started in Seattle, ended in L.A. AND drove all the way down. Here’s a shot of Phil next to our rental…pretty snazzy car, huh? It was a delight driving all those miles, 1,589 miles to be exact, in that Range Rover. All we asked for was a mini SUV and this is what they gave us. The entire cost was pretty reasonable too for the 2+ weeks rental. NOTE: This photo was taken in Ballard, WA and if you look to the left of Phil you’ll see the sign for “The Other Coast Café” which is where our son Max works as the manager. We had just enjoyed a wonderful lunch there with him.