Hello there and happy Sunday! The second of November, to be exact. The remaining weeks of 2019 are flying by and we have a lot of music to play for you. Here is where you’ll find Phil & Angela Benoit:
Sunday, November 10 (tonight) at PITA PARADISE in Wailea from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday, November 12 at MERRIMAN’S in Kapalua from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Have a great week, take good care and hope to see you soon.

Rugged Rooster
P.S. We have a lot of stray chickens roaming around the island. Here’s a scruffy little fella that came down our driveway and somehow kept getting over the fencing then into the neighbor’s property, then back to our yard, etc. and would drive our dog Elis crazy. It was quite comical.