Good Sunday morning to ya! What started off as a little drizzly, misty rain morning is now a blue skied, sunny day. We’ll be at our fave place, PITA PARADISE in Wailea this evening from 6 pm to 8:30 pm and we would LOVE to see ya. Call 808 879 7177 to make a reservation and have some fun!
Have a great Sunday and holiday tomorrow, take good care and we’re sending great BIG hugs to all of you.

Patience, Grasshopper
P. S. Covid got me recently and while I was in the dreaded Isolation, I started crocheting. I googled “easy small crochet flowers for beginners”. I know how to knit (thanks to my Knitting Guru, Aunt Dana, for teaching me!) and for some reason I also had some crochet needles in my knit kit. I think I got some to aid in retrieving dropped stitches. Anyway, I thought it would be cool to learn other crochet stuff besides the requisite ‘chain stitch’. Took me a while but I got it! Here’s my most decent ‘small crochet flower for beginner’. 🙂