I just LOVE gorgeous days here and we sure get a lot of them. Phil went for a swim down at Baldwin and I tagged along for a walk down to Baby Beach. I encountered two big turtles lazing on the shore as I made my way back from Baby Beach to Baldwin. Anyway, we enjoyed a glorious four night stay in Hana this week and are ready to play our favorite songs for you. Join us this evening at PITA PARADISE in Wailea from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. Call 808 879 7177 to make a reservation.
Mahalo for all the wedding anniversary wishes last week! Have a great rest of your day and an excellent week…take good care and hope to see you soon.

After The Drop
P. S. My high school classmate and great friend Jackie Perry of Rustic Roses Maui Cakes makes THE most gorgeous and delicious cakes. I ordered a mini dark chocolate cake with lilikoi curd and chocolate swiss meringue buttercream, topped with fresh flowers and Godiva chocolate dipped strawberries all grown in her garden. So here’s a funny backstory on this photo. I was practicing using the selfie stick and as I was adjusting the camera, it slipped out of the stick AND ON TO THE CAKE! You can see a little of the boo boo which I faced towards us. Lol. If you ever need a cake for any occasion, check out Rustic Roses Maui Cakes at rusticrosesmauicakes.com