Happy 1st Sunday of 2020! It’s a very blustery one here in Makawao but at least I see blue skies out there. I haven’t been “talking” with you the last few weeks – just had a very hectic last part of 2018 but all the craziness is over…for now at least. We have music to play for you this week and here is where you’ll find Phil & Angela Benoit:
Sunday, January 5 (tonight) at PITA PARADISE in Wailea from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Tuesday, January 7 at MERRIMAN’S in Kapalua from 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Wishing you all the best there is for 2019, take good care and hope to see you soon.

Homeward Bound
P. S. I enjoyed a wonderful drive home the other day and just enjoyed the beautiful scenery around me. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and Mother Maui was just showing us all her beauty. This photo doesn’t quite capture it but I liked what I could see in the side view mirror.