Happy 1st Sunday of April…and it’s a breezy one in Makawao this morning. But the sun is shining and the birds are singing and we have a gig to play! Come join us at PITA PARADISE in Wailea this evening. We’ll be there from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. Call 808 879 7177 to make a reservation.
Hope to see you there. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week.

There’s Always That One…
P. S. I may have shared this picture in the past but I ran across it this morning and wanted to share it again. This was taken at the Cagasan (Mom’s side of the ohana) Family Reunion in the 80s. The theme was “O Kaheka” in honor of the little village that the Cagasan ohana grew up in. We’re all first cousins in this pic – from left to right: Lori, Del, Me and Lawrence (yes, there’s always that one joker in a picture!). Our mothers were sisters. There were five brothers and five sisters. Only one sister (Lori’s mom) and one brother (Uncle George) are still with us. We had so much fun at this celebration.